為響應地球環保及節能減碳政策,所有燈具出貨時不附贈燈泡,若有需要您可於賣場內加購。 • 玻璃製品裡的天然氣泡之美 手工玻璃藝術品多以850℃溫度燒製,玻璃間的空氣因熱玻璃流動緩慢而無法浮出表面,因此自然形成氣泡。要在高溫加工環境下生產出"無任何手工痕跡無任何小氣泡"的概率幾乎為零。藝術家們視氣泡為表現玻璃從製作到完成的生命質感,因氣泡展現的獨特性成為欣賞玻璃藝術的一部份。玻璃中的氣泡等同於細微的凹透鏡,可引起光的散射和折射,氣泡的雙折射現象加上光的折射作用,也使玻璃更顯光亮。 • 絕不簡單的玻璃電鍍 造型燈具廣泛運用玻璃電鍍顏色達到多采多姿的目的,而玻璃電鍍技術主要採用液體成膜法,利用液體本身或利用液體作為媒介,發生化學或電化學作用而生成薄膜於玻璃上。其中又以酸蝕法為主流電鍍工法。酸蝕法是將矽酸鹽玻璃在稀酸類溶液中浸蝕,以生成不穩定之矽酸披覆在玻璃表面,加熱後脫水形成SiO 2薄膜,以烘烤方式使玻璃表面生成二氧化矽,工法繁複,因此很難完美無瑕。玻璃電鍍成品有些許漏光或是小刮傷,而產品也會因使用時間長出現褪色,請購買時須認知這物理特性再做選購。 實木與大理石天然材質關係每項商品紋路皆會些許不同,請將此差異列入考慮。
In response to the global environmental protection, energy saving, and carbon reduction policies, all our lamps are shipped without light bulbs. If it is necessary, you can purchase them in-store. • The beauty of natural bubbles in glass products Hand-made glass artworks are fired at a temperature of 850°C. The air in between the glass cannot rise to the surface due to the slow flow of the hot glass, so bubbles are naturally formed. Producing "no manual traces and no small bubbles" in a high-temperature processing environment is almost impossible. Artists regard bubbles as expressing the life texture of glass from production to completion. The uniqueness of bubbles has become part of the appreciation of glass art. The bubbles in the glass are equivalent to the tiny concave lens, which can cause light scattering and refraction. The double refraction of the bubbles and the refraction of light also make the glass brighter. • Complicated glass electroplating In order to achieve a variety of colors, modeling lamps and lanterns are made by glass electroplating. The glass electroplating technology mainly adopts the liquid film forming method, which uses the liquid itself or the liquid as a medium to produce a film on the glass by chemical or electrochemical action. Among them, the acid etching method is the most common electroplating method. The acid etching method is used to etch the silicate glass in a dilute acid solution which produces unstable silicic acid to coast the surface of glass. After heating, it is dehydrated to form a SiO 2 film, and the glass surface is baked to generate silicon dioxide. It is difficult to be flawless, because of its complicated construction method. The glass electroplating product has some light leakage or small scratches, and the product will fade after long usage. Please recognize the physical characteristics before purchasing. • The products are made with natural material, like wood and marble, and therefore results will vary slightly, so please take this into consideration.
floor lamp
Base diameter 25*H0.7CM Long rod diameter 1*H133CM The diameter of the middle disc is 28*D3.5CM Lamp ball diameter 10CM Overall H133*W28*D16CM
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